Current activities trying to get more gas mileage..
On a 1993 Dodge Caravan I was getting 5 MPG more in city driving by using the caps. So with every 20 gallons of fuel I was getting an extra 100 miles in the city. Not bad for a cap that cost $3 Cdn. You can read up on MPG Caps at and read some testimonials as well.
You can check them out yourself by ordering from the above website. Just go to Shop and fill in the necessary info.
Hydrogen Fuel Generation
I have read the Hydro Star System Manual for Hydrogen Fuel Generation as well and thought of building it, however living in an apartment now curtails such activities. Anyone out there that has had any experience with the Hydro Star system ??
Instead I have ordered a Supplemental Hydrogen Generator back on May 29th which can be installed on any vehicle by one handy at such things. Apparently they are swamped with orders but I am getting updates that saying that units are being manufactured as fast as possible. I will update when I receive the generator.